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CATHY MORRISON, illustrator for THREE LITTLE BEAVERS, is a prolific children's book illustrator and author, whose blog is a terrific window onto her art, her research and her experiences sharing her books with young readers.

Detail from Three Little Beavers


MAGGIE ENTERRIOS @little patterns, cover artist for TINY INFINITIES, is a hand and digital illustrator who specializes in intricate nature drawings and lettering. This post about her design process for the book jacket, includes early sketches, and her final concept evolution, with video.

@littlepatterns #bookstagram

"Bug Fire" by Kathryn Freeman, oil on canvas

Artist KATHRYN FREEMAN translated a moment from Alice's story in TINY INFINITIES into her beautiful painting 'Bug Fire', and included the published book in her mural for the Connie Morella Public Library. Kathryn is also the illustrator of LOON CHASE. Read an interview in which she talks about the book. Many classic children's book characters appear in her grand murals at the Jacksonville Public Library. Her fascinating blog explains the ideas, literature and art that inspires her work. 

Details from Freeman's mural  "Literary Dogs & A Few Cats" 40' X 4', acrylic on canvas. 

© 2017-25 by J.H. Diehl.

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